G1000 PFD + MFD + audiopanel PRO


G1000 GDU 1040 PFD + GDU 1040 MFD + audiopanel


G1000 flight deck Pro version. High Quality replica with genuine encoders and buttons. It is the exact replica of G1000 device.
Genuine rotary knobs and buttons to provide most authentic feeling of operations and original device endurance.
All sizes correspond to original product.
PFD& MFD screens  built on 10’4 LCD monitors with 1024×768 px resolution.  Buttons and panels with backlight illumination. ABS molded stand-alone practice stand can be included for extra charge (100Eur)
Connection via USB and HDMI/DVI.
Lockheed Martin Prepar3D compliant. Compliance with another platforms upon request.
Ready for delivery! Warranty period: 1 year. Worldwide delivery (quote delivery to your Country before you buy).
Price indicated doesn’t include VAT.
Should you have any questions please contact us.